Rushing & Receiving

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team AP All-Pro, Bold indicates league leader
Rushing & Receiving Table
Games Rushing Receiving Total Yds
Year Age Tm Pos No. G GS Att Yds TD 1D Succ% Lng Y/A Y/G A/G Tgt Rec Yds Y/R TD 1D Succ% Lng R/G Y/G Ctch% Y/Tgt Touch Y/Tch YScm RRTD Fmb AV
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Defense & Fumbles

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team AP All-Pro, Bold indicates league leader
Defense & Fumbles Table
Games Def Interceptions Fumbles Tackles
Year Age Tm Pos No. G GS Int Yds TD Lng PD FF Fmb FR Yds TD Sk Comb Solo Ast TFL QBHits Sfty
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Scoring Summary

  • * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team AP All-Pro, Bold indicates league leader
Scoring Summary Table
Year Age Tm Pos No. G GS RshTD RecTD PR TD KR TD FblTD IntTD OthTD AllTD 2PM 2PA D2P XPM XPA FGM FGA Sfty Pts Pts/G

Snap Counts

  • Since 2012
Snap Counts Table
Games Off. Def. ST
Year Age Tm Pos No. G GS Num Pct Num Pct Num Pct

Combine Measurements


  • Transaction, fine, and suspension data since 2002

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is David Cobb?

David Cobb is 31 years old.

When was David Cobb born?

David Cobb was born on June 3, 1993.

Where was David Cobb born?

David Cobb was born in Killeen, TX.

How tall is David Cobb?

David Cobb is 5-11 (180 cm) tall.

How much did David Cobb weigh when playing?

David Cobb weighed 229 lbs (103 kg) when playing.

Is David Cobb in the Hall of Fame?

David Cobb has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

How many games did David Cobb play?

David Cobb played 7 games over his career.

How many rushing attempts did David Cobb have?

David Cobb had 52 rushing attempts over his career.

How many rushing yards did David Cobb have?

David Cobb had 146 rushing yards over his career.

When did David Cobb retire?

David Cobb last played in 2015.

What is David Cobb's Twitter account?

David Cobb is on Twitter at DCobb27.